Cabanes des Grands Chênes – Coucoo Cabanes

In the heart of a magnificent green estate, we invite you to discover the Cabanes des Grands Chênes (Coucoo Cabanes) just 50 minutes north of Paris (Oise).
In one of these 25 nests perched between 7 and 13 meters above ground in the branches of hundred-year-old oak trees, you'll experience luxury in the wild!
You'll be amazed by the comfort of these cabins, equipped with water, electricity, bathroom and some with ecological Nordic baths 8 meters above the ground!
An unforgettable adventure for lovers, families and friends!

Boutique :
Boutique selling local gourmet, drinking and artisanal products.
Open to outside customers 7 days a week from March to November, when the cabins are open.

Wellness area :
Spa area with 2 duo massage rooms. A la carte massages and treatments: prenatal, 4-hand, candle, bamboo, relaxing signature?
Rates for 1 person: 30min at 65?, 45min at 90?, 1h at 120?
Open to outside customers 7 days a week during the cabane opening period from March to November.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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