Au Bistrot du Canal - Camping

Maison éclusière 79 89160 Chassignelles
Maison éclusière 79 89160 Chassignelles
On the banks of the Canal, an eco-responsible site with a host of activities!
If you like peace and quiet and greenery, our small campsite is for you.
Special tents, new sanitary facilities, electricity available.

And on site :
- P'tit bistrot - ultra-local, seasonal, home-made drinks and food
- Delicatessen and convenience store
- Bike repair equipment

Here, it's all about happy sobriety... A campsite in the heart of nature, between the canal and the river, on the edge of the lock's permaculture garden.
And of course, priority is given to ultra-local, organic or reasoned produce, home cooking, for the bistro, with vegetables from local producers, local charcuterie and cheeses, themed dishes, galettes, waffles, ice creams... local drinks (juice, beer, wine...)
Valérie awaits you for a relaxing break, plates to share, gourmet snacks, aperitifs and dinners by the water!
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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