Sous le bon toit

100 impasse de Melon 01300 Belley
100 impasse de Melon 01300 Belley
What if going to a B&B with family was possible? The room has an independent entrance for optimal comfort. The freedom to visit the exteriors in complete tranquility. Discover the remarkable houses in the center of Belley. But the St Jean de Baptiste Cathedral may be your preference. For lovers of green space, the Rhotonne forest offers routes designed for bicycle enthusiasts. All just a few minutes from Belley.
For good weather, head to Lake Bartherand and Virieux le Grand (supervised). For a wilder world, immerse yourself in the Marais du Lavoux, the last great continental marshes in Western Europe. A 1.5 km path on stilts above a wet meadow. A guaranteed change of scenery.
For cyclists, arm yourself with strength and patience to climb to the top of the Grand Colombier.
The Brillat-Savarin interview weekend will allow you to discover a large market for local products. For one night or a longer stay, Monique and Daniel are happy to open the room Under the Good Roof to you. A large bedroom under the eaves with a 160*200 bed, a living room with a 140*190 sofa. You have a living room with its ornamental fireplace and kitchen area to extend your getaway. For professionals or not, an office space.
Breakfasts are taken in the owners' lounge, with local products. In summer, the glazed annex allows you to enjoy the sunny days.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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