Pré-Richard - Bed & breakfast

Pré Richard - 1524 Rue de la Forêt de Disse 01170 Gex
Pré Richard - 1524 Rue de la Forêt de Disse 01170 Gex
Ideal for a business trip or a family holiday, this place offers an exceptional setting. Situated in the heart of an inspiring natural setting, the property boasts a traditional orchard of over one hectare in which you'll enjoy strolling. The large courtyard with its old-fashioned cobblestones and fountain is an ideal setting for personalized events (cocktails, country meals, games, exhibitions, etc.).
The kitchen is shared with the two other guest rooms. The residence also offers a table d'hôte service, by reservation only. The family-style cuisine is prepared with local and natural products, and is best enjoyed without moderation!
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.
100 km

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