Ô Refuge Di'Vin

Les Perrières Monte Conor 49 Chemin des Ecureuils 18300 Bannay
Les Perrières Monte Conor 49 Chemin des Ecureuils 18300 Bannay
The house is entirely open to guests and Cécile shares its spaces with you, in particular its beautiful light and bright living room - You have 5 beautiful high-end bedrooms all equipped with a 160 bed, a TV with Canal+, a lounge area and a space with table (mini-fridge, microwave, coffee maker,...) and shower room and toilet - Possibility of catered meal on request - Hearty breakfast based on homemade and local products - Cécile, herself in a wheelchair, has fitted out almost all of her house for accessibility to people with reduced mobility. Animals are not accepted unless they get along with cats because Cécile has 3 extremely nice cats who love hugs and children.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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