Nami House

14 rue de Tartillon 64600 Anglet
14 rue de Tartillon 64600 Anglet
Channelling Aussie backpacker vibes, the Nami House guesthouse is much more than just a youth hostel - it's a place where travellers from the four corners of the globe come together to share stories and life!

You'll have a large Basque-style house to enjoy, decorated in Hawaiian and Japanese styles, with 4 large bedrooms, a fine, well-equipped kitchen, three bathrooms, a large lounge, a sunroom and a garden with a patio, loungers, a small barbecue area and a table tennis table.

Located 300m from the Place des Cinq cantons and its shops, just 15 minutes on foot from the beaches and a 5 minute bicycle ride from the Chiberta pine forest, Nami House is the ideal base from which to explore the wider area!

On the menu: surfing, hiking, bicycle rides...
Bicycles available.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.
100 km

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