Maison d'hôtes Les 3 Baudets

Maison Escoubès Quartier Béziat 64570 Issor
Maison Escoubès Quartier Béziat 64570 Issor
Located in the heart of the countryside, on an estate of 14 ha, with protected views of the mountain and the charming village of Issor, the Auberge des 3 Baudets is a real haven of peace!
This carefully restored typical old Béarn farmhouse combines the charm of yesteryear with all modern comforts.
Park, garden, swimming pool, pleasant and spacious rooms, tasty and hearty meals, where everything is generous, good humour natural and relaxation compulsory!
Description of the accommodation, private garden adjoining owner, car park, bathroom with shower private shower room
Mountain view. Shared swimming pool facilities.
Languages spoken: German, Spanish and French. Services: table d'hôtes meals, Wi-Fi
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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