10 route de Nantes 44430 Le Loroux-Bottereau
10 route de Nantes 44430 Le Loroux-Bottereau
Nestled in the heart of Nantes vineyards, We open the doors of our house. Here we take the time to live ... Isabelle China and makes jams, Pascal gardening and renovating the house ... The Josephine room on the ground floor, accessible through your own entrance, it offers a double bed (160x200 ) or 2 beds (80x200), a separate shower with toilet, a desk (free wifi) and a welcome tray. Home Breakfast is a special moment .... hearty home delicacies await you, salty, sweet: it is up to you! Whether in our garden or in the fireplace of our only thought will delight you!
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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