Les Douves

LES DOUVES 7 rue de l'écrevissière 41150 Veuzain-sur-Loire
LES DOUVES 7 rue de l'écrevissière 41150 Veuzain-sur-Loire
Ideally located in the heart of the Loire Valley, in the center of the village of Onzain (facing Chaumont), the guesthouse of the old castle is a large suite of four pieces (70 m²) with terrace located on the floor of the historic wing of the buildings,-"pose\" on a talute wall of over 500 years and 1.20 m thick. This floor rebuilt in the nineteenth century was rehabilitated in 2010. Park, terrace (220 m²) and moat secure for your walks. Boat, bikes, fishing gear and childcare at disposion. Possibility of reception/transfer station Onzain. Exhibitions, concerts and shows in the season. Free of charge up to 2 years. Discount from 3 nights. The House of the Tower of Helion is installed in the remains of the medieval keep (end 14th). With its curved wall and its cathedral height (6, 50 m),...
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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