Les Chemins de Traversaz

La Traversaz 73140 Saint-Michel-de-Maurienne
La Traversaz 73140 Saint-Michel-de-Maurienne
The story of every house begins in the imagination of those who build it and sees itself little by little transformed by those who occupy it in the course of days, decades and next centuries.
We longed to create a place where the time becomes art, and, where we can become aware of the importance to live in an instant.
We shall be happy to welcome you in this place where the time stops.

The price includes:
. the buffet breakfast (fresh fruit juice, home-made jams, cereal, breads and cheeses , teas Marriage or Dammann.
. natural water, tea and coffeeat your disposal during the day
. "Tea-Time" served at 5 pm, and for the pleasure of youngs (and adults) home-made" hot chocolate.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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