Les chambres du Petit Pontbiel

1368 chemin de Balambits 40465 Pontonx-sur-l'Adour
1368 chemin de Balambits 40465 Pontonx-sur-l'Adour
Under the woods, out of sight, Sophie and Jean-Loup are waiting for you for a resourcing stay. Direction Pontonx-sur-l'Adour in the south of the Landes. A few kilometres away, you will find the village with all the necessary shops and a media library. Continue to the covered and closed arenas (perhaps during your stay a musical, cultural or bullfighting show will take place there) and take the hiking trail to discover the Barthes de l'Adour. The fauna and flora in the wild. Breathe, find your natural bio-rhythm
Nature is also there all around the guest house. It is not a dream! From the windows of the bright and spacious rooms, you will enjoy the greenery, the sound of the wind in the leaves, birds singing, maybe you will see deer.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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