Les chambres d'hôtes La Grange Bleue

15 Rue Principale 68220 Leymen
15 Rue Principale 68220 Leymen
La Grange Bleue de BAUR Paul invites you to discover the other Alsace, that of the South!

Unjustly unknown region of tourism, this small concentrate of Alsace is one of the most authentic

Away from the stress of the city, come and take a deep breath of fresh air just a few kilometres from the metropolis of Basel (Switzerland)
Cross this country of the three borders in all directions, don't be afraid to get lost: you will find in Southern Alsace, Country of the Three Borders, the meaning of true values of life

Heating: geothermal
Table d'hôtes on Monday evening.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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