Les 5 Escales

14 Rue Saint François 79200 Parthenay
14 Rue Saint François 79200 Parthenay
Discover our guest rooms and let yourself be surprised by an exceptional setting in the heart of the city. Our air-conditioned, spacious and comfortably equipped rooms are located on the second floor of the house (no lift). This floor is entirely dedicated to you ensuring you calm and intimacy. You will also benefit from a beautiful living room, dining room and kitchen with a breathtaking view of the city. You will be able to stroll and recharge your batteries in the wooded garden. Breakfast is served every morning. Each room is equipped with its own shower room and private toilet. Ideally located between Puy du Fou (1H) and Futuroscope (45min), Marais Poitevin (45 min) and 1h 20 from La Rochelle.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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