Le Relais de La Brande

La Brande 16700 Saint-Gourson
La Brande 16700 Saint-Gourson
This ecologically autonomous, comfortable house is close to Verteuil sur Charente.
The owners will be happy to guide you and discuss points of interest in the countryside whether you are a couple, solo traveler, business traveler or family with children.

Furnished with the loft spirit, this house is practical and comfortable to live in. Daylight penetrates there from morning to evening, the sun bringing its particular light.

On site: horses, donkeys, ponies, sheep, dogs, cats and others.

Reception stage for riders: box, meadow, hay, water, farriery.

Possibility on site of marked hikes as well as marked mountain bike trails in the woods.
Horse riding and hitching are possible on request, by reservation, and for a fee.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.
100 km

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