Le Moulin de Vilgris

5 rue du Moulin 78120 Clairefontaine-en-Yvelines
5 rue du Moulin 78120 Clairefontaine-en-Yvelines
Unwind, explore, discover… We welcome you to a tranquil and serene environment, nestled between a pond and forest, perfect for rest and relaxation.

Work, breathe, disconnect… Find yourself in an inspiring location, ideal for working under exceptional conditions, whether for you or your team. Choose the option that suits you: remote work, coworking, training, seminars…

Listen, observe, share… Capture the moment in this versatile setting for your photo shoots, commercial filming, or movie productions.
To fully enjoy the surroundings, we invite you to dine at the Moulin (reservation required). A private table will be set for you to savor the Moulin's menu.

Anne-France and Alexis, your hosts, are dedicated to making your stay unforgettable.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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