Le Logis des Pinces Maillées

8 Grande Rue 25190 Montécheroux
8 Grande Rue 25190 Montécheroux
To enter the "Logis des pinces maillées" is to travel back in time to the industrial history of the watchmaking pliers that gave life to the village of Montécheroux. At the very beginning of the 20th century, our house was the headquarters of the very first pliers factory in the village. During its renovation, we took great care to restore it to its former glory.
Our cosy room is the perfect place to get away from it all and recharge your batteries. It's the perfect base for excursions to discover the heritage of the watchmaking region, explore the trails of the Doubs Horloger Nature Park, or stop off on one of the routes of the Grande traversée du Jura or the GR5.
Your hosts, Sylvie and Fred, will serve you gourmet breakfasts. Everything here is home-made and comes from short circuits. Homemade jams, homemade honey, homemade bread made from local flours, homemade cancoillotte, raw butter, raw milk from the farm and other delights to enjoy on the terrace in fine weather or in our dining room to get the day off to a good start.
As beekeepers, they will be happy to show you around their apiary and the honey house of the beekeepers' association to which they belong.
Fred will be happy to advise you on tailor-made walks, mountain bike rides or cycling tours.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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