Le Clos d'Any

Le Clos d'Any, a 12th century mill with the allure of a Provençal mas, close to the Fontet nautical base and the Garonne side canal and its cycle path.
Come and recharge your batteries at Le Clos d'Any for a cultural and epicurean stay in the Entre deux Mers, in the land of bastides and medieval cities such as La Réole, St Macaire and Bazas, at the gateway to the vineyards of the Graves, Sauternes and St Emilion, and 40 minutes from Bordeaux.
The guest house will surprise you with its 3 rooms evoking faraway journeys, its gypsy style caravan for an unusual escape, its table d'hôtes alternating exotic flavours and local cuisine.
As for the atmosphere, at the Clos d'Any, it all starts with a musical aperitif in the guest lounge open on a luxuriant vegetation, for a moment of shared happiness.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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