Camping de l'Estuaire Quai Eole 44560 Paimbœuf
Camping de l'Estuaire Quai Eole 44560 Paimbœuf
Between sky and water, it is in the charming decoration(set) of a stretch of water on saint Viaud's heights, a few kilometers away from the Loire, in south shore of the estuary, that settled Mister . Plocq's Caballon. From the arrival, the look kisses the panorama, a paradise of peace and greenery where get loose far off the silhouettes of the north bank. Real vessel of exploration, stemming from the marriage of the aerostat and from the ship, Caballon plunges his occupants into the universe of the charmer of birds Emile Plocq. A story weaved between reality and fiction, real invitation in the journey and in the discovery. A unique experience(experiment), to live for two, in the extraordinary frame of a different night.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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