La yourte de Terre Amoureuse

671, route de La Bourbe 71340 Mailly
671, route de La Bourbe 71340 Mailly
Anne-Sophie and Florent are delighted to welcome you to Terre Amoureuse, an eco-friendly place of hospitality and production, in a peaceful, leafy setting planted with trees. It offers a yurt for 1 to 6 people in complete autonomy. Private bathroom facilities are just 10 metres from the yurt. A fully-equipped kitchen and dining room (sometimes shared with their guest rooms) allow you to cook and/or enjoy the delicious produce from the farm or from local producers. Outside facilities, including a hammock area, invite you to relax! A "Accueil Paysan", an ecological place to live, an agroforestry farm and farm produce, an adventure that Anne-Sophie and Florent love to share...
You'll be close to their processing workshop, where they produce delicious dried fruit and fruit leathers, among other things. And because they love good produce, they'll be happy to tell you where you can buy organic and local products. Otherwise, they often have a few products from their vegetable garden, depending on the season.
Baby equipment is available (high chair, cot, bath, etc.). The yurt is non-smoking and shoe-free. Organic toiletries are available for those who don't have any.
For stays of several days, a visit to the agro-ecology and agro-forestry farm and a meal shared with the hosts are possible, depending on the weather and the constraints of the farm! A time to share their passions and practices...
Nearby and/or on site: cookery workshops, walks, donkey rides 5 km away, cycling on the Voie Verte 3 km away, tennis, mountain biking or canoeing, visits to local markets and producers, Romanesque churches, Cluny and the Clunisian sites, Le Pal (1 hour away), the Brionnais bocage...
We look forward to welcoming you to Terre Amoureuse ;-)
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.
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20 km

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