21 cours de la Marne 47400 Tonneins
21 cours de la Marne 47400 Tonneins
In the south-west of France, the Val de Garonne, offers panoramas of the Garonne and Lot valleys, the Marmande hills and the town of Tonneins. At the crossroads of sightseeing tours and cycle routes, 100m from the Garonne canal and a few kilometres from the Nature Trail, you will discover the Maison Duffour, a beautiful property with 4 totally renovated rooms and a suite, tastefully decorated and equipped for your well-being. The hosts, Isabelle and Pierre, will give you a warm welcome and also invite you to their ground floor patio as well as the terrace that overlooks the town centre.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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