La Maison de Triboulet

9 CHEMIN DE LA BASSE VALLERIE 37530 Pocé-sur-Cisse
9 CHEMIN DE LA BASSE VALLERIE 37530 Pocé-sur-Cisse
In the former outbuildings of the Château de Pocé, your guest room (Extinguo or Nutrisco) has been superbly fitted out to offer you comfort and space for a most successful stay in Touraine. Eric's passion for gastronomy and his characteristic art of entertaining will be the occasion to enjoy moments of sharing around the table d'hôtes. The special moment of breakfast at the Maison de Triboulet will give you the perfect start to the day. In the land of castles, one of the most famous in the Loire Valley is just 2 steps away: Amboise, overlooking the Royal River, as well as Clos Lucé, the last home of Leonardo da Vinci, Château-Gaillard and the Pagode de Chanteloup. A wealth of attractions awaits you, with nearby Chenonceau, Chaumont-sur-Loire and, a little further afield, Blois, Chambord an
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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