La Maison de la Bourgade

31 rue de la Petite Bourgade 30700 Uzès
31 rue de la Petite Bourgade 30700 Uzès
The Maison de la Bourgade is a breath of fresh air right in the town, thanks to its garden and pond offering the pleasures of the countryside.

Elisabeth has a passion for Uzès and takes pleasure in opening her home to visitors:
“We love sharing our home. We choose to extend a warm welcome to our guests and offer a pleasant, refined atmosphere conducive to sharing. It’s a joy to see guests returning.” “After a while you forget you’re in a guesthouse. It’s like being at home.” “This place is filled with aromas of jasmine, figs, toast and, in winter, the wood fire.”
“We look after you.”

Walls enclose the garden which is a peace haven in the heart of the town.

The pond is an invitation to slow down for a while, far from the hustle and bustle of the city.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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