La fritillaire

Hameau Le Marchessant 70310 La Montagne
Hameau Le Marchessant 70310 La Montagne
Former mountain farmhouse converted into an ecohabitat, with a view of the Croslière valley - 2 spacious bedrooms with private bathrooms/wc. Large adjoining meadow with stream, LPO refuge, beehives. Water from the spring, jams and fruit juices from our organic orchards and grazed by our sheep

Depending on the season, you can take part in traditional farm activities: haymaking, fruit picking, etc. Advice on hiking, mountain biking, Nordic skiing or snowshoeing. Depending on availability and on request, we can accompany you on your hikes.

Animals on request

Rates per room (for 2 people)
70 € per night
130 € for the weekend

More information on our website :
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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