La Ferme de la Gronde

La Ferme De La Gronde 14220 Esson
La Ferme De La Gronde 14220 Esson
Typical house of Suisse Normande, it is all the Norman charm that offers the Ferme de la Gronde.

In the heart of the Suisse Normande, with its green and hilly landscapes, the Ferme de la Gronde is an invitation to relax. Combining the charm of the stone, the beauty of the garden, the comfort of the rooms, and the proximity of outdoor activities, our farm is ideal for a stay with friends or family.

We offer 2 recently restored guest rooms, arranged as a family suite, which can accommodate 4 people.

Possibility of gourmet plate on reservation.

Located near Thury-Harcourt and the greenway.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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