L'Hom 48400 Fraissinet-de-Fourques
L'Hom 48400 Fraissinet-de-Fourques
It is in a unique setting, that Martine has arranged with care, two comfortable guest rooms to welcome you for a night or stay. In the heart of the Cévennes National Park, the two farms of Hom and Gally continue a centuries-old tradition of sheep farming in a very exceptional geological site: In the vicinity is indeed the dolomitic chaos of Nîmes the old, to to discover absolutely. You will take the opportunity to go for a walk or bike ride, to discover this limestone plateau recently registered by UNESCO World Heritage under the cultural landscape of agropastoralism Mediterranean. And, on your return, you will be expected for a meal at the table d'hôte with the products of the farm and the land!
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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