La Bocquillonne

43 Grande Rue 70160 Purgerot
43 Grande Rue 70160 Purgerot
We are delighted to introduce you to La Bocquillonne, a charming 18th-century mansion nestling in a small hillside village. The guest rooms at La Bocquillonne are decorated with care, offering visitors a warm and welcoming setting for their stay. The art-deco living room, dining room and stone staircase add a touch of elegance to this beautiful residence.
Guests at La Bocquillonne can enjoy magnificent forest walks, explore a number of hiking trails and admire the charm of the surrounding rural landscape. Whether you're looking to recharge your batteries in the heart of nature, discover the region or simply relax, La Bocquillonne offers visitors an authentic and soothing experience.
Don't hesitate to book your stay at La Bocquillonne for an unforgettable experience in an enchanting and peaceful setting.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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