La Billebaude

A 10-minute walk from the center of Buxy and the Voie Verte, two beautiful and large guest rooms located in a building independent of the owners' house: exposed stones, characterful furniture, give this new construction a taste of authenticity... The rooms each have a private bathroom (Italian shower, hairdryer, bathrobes), WC, a lounge area with TV and sofa bed, and a terrace. 180cm beds (2x90cm separable). Breakfasts are served on the terrace (view of garden with trees and flowers) or in the living room (fireplace). Closed parking. Baby equipment. Air conditioner. WiFi access at the owner's home. Guest room labeled “Accueil Vélo” & “Vignobles et Découvertes”.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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