Domaine du Ris de Feu - Chambres d'hôtes de charme

Le Ris de Feu 36370 Chalais
Le Ris de Feu 36370 Chalais
Welcome to the Ris de Feu, three-starred guest rooms and charming gites with JACUZZI and SAUNA at the heart of the Berry. The 156-hectare Ris de Feu Resort with lake, in the Indre department, located 3 hours from Paris and 20 minutes from the A20, is a rare find, set at the heart of the Brenne Park. Ideal for a romantic weekend break or week break in nature. In this quiet, secret spot are 2 spacious suites and 2 beautiful gites with character and fireside, private lounge. Music room with quarter-size grand piano. Environmentally-friendly renovation with wood-fired central heating, respects the natural heritage. Oak, chestnut, terracotta and old furniture create a refined, warm atmosphere.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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