Chambres d'hôtes Forest View

L'Espérance 61110 Rémalard en Perche
L'Espérance 61110 Rémalard en Perche
Forest View Chambre d'Hôtes is located 4 km from Remalard, on the edge of the forest - perfect for a weekend of relaxation, walking and cycling. Our 300 year old building has all the charm of a bygone era with all the modern comforts we all enjoy. Each of our beautifully decorated rooms has en-suite shower rooms, modern and comfortable beds with beautiful comforters, pillows and large towels. There is a restaurant and bar on site for guests. Minimum stay 2 nights.
Forest View will adhere to all applicable health and safety protocols to protect the health and safety of its guests.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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