Chambres d'hôtes "Fenêtre sur Loire"

Four spacious country rooms located on the banks of the canal from Roanne to Digoin and 200 metres from the Loire (very nice view on the Loire). The rooms are composed of a space for the parents with a double bed, small beds for the children and a relaxation area for the whole family. The private bathrooms are equipped with a shower. The entrances to the rooms are independent. Private terraces with view on the Canal and the Loire. You can enjoy the calm of our farm, but also join us to learn more about our activities: production of vegetables and fruits in organic farming, donkey rental for hiking (19 donkeys are on the farm). Near the farm (maximum 3 kilometres): hiking trails, canoeing, fishing (Loire River at 500 metres from the farm, and Canal at 100 metres), marked mountain bike trails...
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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