Cabane Zen Océan

21 rue de l'Abbé Sursol 33930 Vendays-Montalivet
21 rue de l'Abbé Sursol 33930 Vendays-Montalivet
In Montalivet, the ZEN OCEAN chambre d'hôtes classified as a Chambre d'hôtes Référence is an air-conditioned wooden cabin on the edge of the national forest (behind our wooden house), 300 m from the beach and 500 m from the market/restaurants.
Relax; the outdoor space lends itself to this, with its private wooden terrace, table and deckchairs, surrounded by greenery and flowers, and the pine forest so close by.
A breakfast basket awaits you in the morning at your room's table, on the private terrace.
For your convenience, we only rent a room on the forest side, to ensure the peace and quiet of our guests and preserve the intimate character of the premises.
Bicycles and bodyboards available on loan (deposit required). Chambre d?hôtes classified as bike-friendly, 50 m from the Vélodyssée.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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