Office de Tourisme du Libournais - Bureau de la Bastide

42 place Abel Surchamp 33500 Libourne
42 place Abel Surchamp 33500 Libourne
In the heart of the bastide town of Libourne, our team welcomes you 6 days a week, all year round.
We'll suggest escapades and visits focusing on vineyards, heritage, nature and gastronomy, and help you find accommodation.
All year round, we live to the rhythm of cultural and sporting events, from "Libourne fête la Confluence" to Fest'arts and rowing championships!
During your visit, you'll be delighted by our boutique, which offers a wide choice of products for gifts and souvenirs, and something for every taste.
See you soon in Libourne!
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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