Alsa Surf

Chemin des Mouettes 67630 Lauterbourg
Chemin des Mouettes 67630 Lauterbourg
For thrill-seekers, an "exclusive and unique" leisure activity in our region, a new way of gliding for the whole family. The electric surfboards (6hp) are powered by silent electric turbines. They can be used (lying down, sitting or standing up) in complete safety by people who can swim from the age of 12 (i.e. a minimum of 40kgs to a maximum of 105kgs). For adrenaline-seekers, this sliding sport can also reach speeds of up to 35 km/h.
There's also a waiting and rest area, as well as a catering area (grilled plate and our famous tartes flambées), all in a vacation atmosphere.
Price: 80? per 30-minute session. Please arrive 20 min. before your appointment time for explanations. Reservations recommended on the website or by e-mail.
As the activity is weather-related, all opening information is updated every Thursday on the website.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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