La Petite Reine

29 route d'Annecy 74290 Veyrier-du-Lac
29 route d'Annecy 74290 Veyrier-du-Lac
A "Bicycle-Café" in the gardens of a 1930s family home. Alongside the greenway on the east shores of the lake, 4.5km from Annecy town centre, Nathalie will welcome you in the garden, on the ground floor of her family home. The ideal lush-green surroundings to relax and recharge your batteries in a warm and welcoming atmosphere. The menu is simple: salads, meat-cheese platters, homemade chips, homemade ice creams, etc., all mainly made using fresh and regional produce. The cherry on the cake: the fountain and natural source pool will help you cool off in the summer heat!
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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