Au bonheur du lac

910 route du lac 74140 Excenevex
910 route du lac 74140 Excenevex
Welcome to our beautiful family property!
You can enjoy our garden, relax in our sunbeds admiring the shores of Lake Geneva and the magnificent view of the Alps, enjoy the sandy beach and its many water activities, enjoy regional specialties in restaurants, feet in the water without taking the car.

From home, you can go hiking or cycling, visit the medieval village of Yvoire.

Breakfasts will be served on the garden terrace facing the lake, you will taste local products, jams and homemade jams, fruit, cheese and cold cuts.

In winter you can enjoy the nearby ski resorts and spas of Thonon and Evian.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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