Cave Auger, la Maison d'Hôtes

Booldog SAS 58 Route de Bourgueil 37140 Restigné
Booldog SAS 58 Route de Bourgueil 37140 Restigné
In the heart of the Bourgueil vineyards, our guest house is ideally located on the borders of Touraine and Anjou, lands of natural and historical riches.

Made up of ancient tufa stone houses, the property offers 5 guest rooms with a warm, intimate atmosphere, a real invitation to relax after discovering the charm of the Loire Valley and its castles.

The recent renovation of these accommodations, as well as of the entire house, provides our guests with a dedicated space of over 700 m2, combining vintage elegance with contemporary refinement and comfort.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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