Le Chalet de Lanza

5 rue centrale 05460 Abriès-Ristolas
5 rue centrale 05460 Abriès-Ristolas
Looking for a comfortable place to put your feet up after a great day of hiking or skiing? The chalet de Lanza is the ideal restaurant! Isabelle is in charge of the service while her chef is in the kitchen and they offer a smiling welcome and good dishes made with local products. Just reading about it, we are already salivating!
On the shady terrace or in the nicely decorated room, this restaurant is a pearl of gastronomy. You have to taste its home-made ice creams or its home-made pastries... delights that will not leave you indifferent!
We have the label "Accueil Vélo".
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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