CabochéR, Nuitée Insolite en toue cabanée

Quais de Loire 45000 Orléans
Quais de Loire 45000 Orléans
The CabochéR, a rowing boat, accessible to all, including people with disabilities, will take you on the Loire...
As lovers, admire the sunset, spend an unusual and magical night on the Loire! Enjoy a dinner specially cooked by a renowned Master Restaurateur of Orleans.
Escape, freedom and emotions are offered to you in a Natura 2000 site unique in the world. Recharge your batteries and experience the feeling of letting go along the water.
Live a serene interlude, while combining harmony and plenitude. Unforgettable sensations in perspective!
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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