Sentier pieds nus - Loisirs Loire Valley

Loisirs Loire Valley Chemin du Sainfoin Chouzy sur Cisse 41150 Valloire-sur-Cisse
Loisirs Loire Valley Chemin du Sainfoin Chouzy sur Cisse 41150 Valloire-sur-Cisse
This path « Nature and freedom » allows to change the rythm, during a barefoot walk on pine cones, bark, chips, sand, pebbles, sand... which will tickle your feet and may offer you new feelings. To share with friends, family, the young and the old can have fun testing their skills on this trail with zones of balance... Accessible to the whole family. Also sound workshops. Activity adapted to people with intellectual disabilities. Complements the motor skills activities offered in the reception facilities.
Cuddle zone with trees.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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