Le Bateau Atelier

Association Coeur de Loire Embarcadère quai Jeanne d'Arc 45130 Meung-sur-Loire
Association Coeur de Loire Embarcadère quai Jeanne d'Arc 45130 Meung-sur-Loire
On the banks of Meung-sur-Loire, not far from the town centre and its monuments, come and experience an unforgettable night on the Loire aboard the Bateau Atelier. Denis and Claire will be delighted to welcome you aboard their cabin cruiser, the Bateau Atelier.

A unique experience! Lovers of this majestic river will be able to sleep aboard a traditional boat.
Arrive before 7pm - Book for one night or more

And also... At the Port du Bout du Monde, Claire and Denis welcome you to the guinguette La Capitainerie during the summer season, where they offer traditional Loire boat trips.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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