Le Moulin de Bel-Air / Ecogîte - Chambre d'Hôtes

Le Moulin de Bel Air 4, Lieu-dit Bel Air 44440 Joué-sur-Erdre
Le Moulin de Bel Air 4, Lieu-dit Bel Air 44440 Joué-sur-Erdre
The Moulin de Bel Air is an 18th century windmill which has been restored to a high, contemporary standard while retaining its original style (exposed beams, slates, terracotta). It is near the river Erdre, a tributary of the Loire, and two lakes - the Lac de Vioreau and the Etang de la Provostière. It has enclosed, wooded grounds of 1800m² with swings, table tennis and stabling for horses. Sauna and jacuzzi available (15€/pers.hour). The 2 guest rooms each have a separate entrance, a double bed and an en-suite shower room with WC. Additional facilities: hair driers, WiFi access, cot and high chair, kettle and baby equipement. Nantes 35km. Le plus: A delightful place where the sails of the windmill dominate the countryside. Massage available.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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