Hôtel Le Nouveau Monde

64 chaussée du Sillon 35400 Saint-Malo
64 chaussée du Sillon 35400 Saint-Malo
The Hotel & Spa Le Nouveau Monde is a stylish, modern, 4-star hotel on Le Sillon beach overlooking the Bay of Saint-Malo, a short distance from the walled town and close to the Centre des Congrès Conference Centre. The hotel, whose décor is a reinterpretation of naval history and discovery, is a perfect place for a holiday or business events and seminars. Facilities include a swimming pool, hot-tub, hammam, restaurant and a bar with sea views. The hotel is right by the Centre de Thalassothérapie & Spa des Thermes Marins and Le Sillon beach with water sports. Saint-Malo golf course is 25 minutes. Also 8 conference rooms with a total surface area of 250m², which can be made larger or smaller, with natural light and hi-tech equipment.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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