La Casa des Achards - Guest rooms

2084 Route de Corps Les Achard 38710 Châtel-en-Trièves
2084 Route de Corps Les Achard 38710 Châtel-en-Trièves
In the heart of the Trièves, just a short distance from the Matheysine, Dévoluy and Champsaur regions, la Casa des Achards offers bed and breakfast accommodation in a mountain hamlet at an altitude of 920m, at the foot of the Grande Tête de l'Obiou.
This 18th-century Dauphin-style farmhouse is located near the village of Cordéac, halfway between Mens and Corps.
The south-facing house was restored in 2020 with great care and respect for the environment (natural materials, wood-fired heating, phyto-treatment, rainwater recovery). It has been awarded the Fondation du Patrimoine label.
Three independent rooms can be booked as B&B: Fraxinus (ash), Larix (larch) and Abies (fir).
Two rooms (Fraxinus and Larix) can accommodate two people, while the third room (Abies) can accommodate two to four people. All bedrooms have private bathrooms. A kitchen/lounge area is available for breakfast, hot drinks and relaxation.
There are several hiking routes starting from the house (Obiou national forest, Bachilianne mountain pasture, Dévoluy tour).
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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