
Route du Baganais 33680 Lacanau
Route du Baganais 33680 Lacanau
We welcome you in our complex ideally positioned at the heart of the forest of pines which is between the lake and the ocean, for a stay filled with activities adapted to all!

Vital park invites you into its three star hotel, where nature and relaxation will lead the way throughout your stay. You should use while you are here our 2 pools, the fitness center, the spa and obviously the forest domain which surround you. As well as enjoying the food prepared by our restaurant.

You will find solace in our spacious bedrooms, a private balcony with a view of the park or in our apartments and villas located under the trees. All this will guarantee a well spent holiday even if it is just for a night or a weekend or a week.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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