Azureva Lacanau

Allée du Vieux Port 33680 Lacanau
Allée du Vieux Port 33680 Lacanau
The holiday village, is situated by the lake of Lacanau, in the heart of an omnipresent nature. The choice of activities is XXL there and everything is thought for you. The village has 80 housing in pension and 32 rents. Vast and raised, it is the guarantee of a maximum of tranquillity. Here, the inside is completely pedestrian. We join easily the private beach on the lake to bathe, make of the canoe or the same peach tree. It is the paradise of the children. Clubs are dedicated to them from 3 to 17 years. Nautical ski tow on the lake, clowns' internships(clowns' training courses), stand(pit) - up-paddle and a multitude of the other activities occupy them from morning till night. Without counting the playground, the warmed swimming pool and its slides, but that, that pleases at any age! In the center of the village, we can take a snatch indoor or outside(terrace), in the snack bar(snack)
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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