Camping Le Bloemstraete

1 rue Bloem Straete 59173 Renescure
1 rue Bloem Straete 59173 Renescure
Camping du Bloemstraete is a 3-star campsite with 30 pitches and 3 motorhome pitches. Open from April 15 to October 15 - Reception desk 8am-10pm.

In the heart of our beautiful region of the Hauts de France, Camping du Bloemstraete is ideally located? at the gateway to Flanders and its mountains (Cassel,?) and the Audomarois (St Omer, Clairmarais,?), 45 minutes from the Opal Coast (site of the two capes), 45 minutes from Lille, Calais,? also accessible by train for visits, 2 km from the 1200 hectares of the Clairmarais forest by small roads for walking or cycling.

If you're looking for peace and quiet, a large, well-defined plot to pitch your tent or caravan? If you appreciate nature and what it has to offer, you'll be delighted to wake up to the relaxing sounds of birdsong. Our campsite is quiet, family-friendly and small (30 pitches)

If we had to characterize our campsite in a few words, it would be calm, tranquility, rest, conviviality?
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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