Maison Gay Lussac

8 bis place Gay Lussac 87400 Saint-Léonard-de-Noblat
8 bis place Gay Lussac 87400 Saint-Léonard-de-Noblat
With boundless energy, Nicole and Jean-Lou embarked on a gigantic renovation project to breathe new life into the 400-year-old building where Gay Lussac was born. Having just retired, they decided to return to their native region and embarked on this project, where the idea of opening a bed & breakfast business was born. This beautiful house in the heart of the village has been meticulously renovated and comfortably furnished and decorated. Nicole has a passion for antiques and reading. Jean-Lou, on the other hand, is a handyman, and is involved in local life. They are keen to share the products of their region, and will welcome you with kindness and generosity! In the land of Raymond Poulidor, special attention is given to cyclists: bike pump and patches, garage with plug for recharging electric bikes.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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