Maison de la Baie de Somme

Carrefour du Hourdel Ferme du Petit Teratu 80230 Lanchères
Carrefour du Hourdel Ferme du Petit Teratu 80230 Lanchères
The Maison de la Baie de Somme is more than a museum, it's a real house of territory.
At the southern tip of the Bay of the Somme estuary, the Maison de la Baie is the place to be to understand the territory. Several rooms have been set up to help you discover the estuary (because the Bay of the Somme is not really a bay!), the birds that live there or that pass through, and finally the jobs and passions of its inhabitants.
Guided tours, animations and exhibitions are proposed during the whole opening period!
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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