Centre VTT Brionnais Découvertes

15 rue de La Gare 71110 Marcigny
15 rue de La Gare 71110 Marcigny
In Brionnais, come and ride on the 25 routes, from 6 to 45 km.
The circuits are organized in loops, thus allowing a systematic return to the starting point but are also connected to each other. With the help of the existing cartography (general map, individual plans and panoramic panels installed in the villages you pass through), you can compose the itinerary of your choice. The tours can also be combined with the Voie Verte.
The colour of the beacons indicates the degree of difficulty: black very difficult, red difficult, blue easy, green very easy.
From the sloping hillsides of the Haut-Brionnais to the banks of the Loire, the Centre VTT en Brionnais will be your sports training ground or a place to relax, in a multi-activity or "farniente" stay, on your own or with the "handlebar in hand" formula. For your all-inclusive stay, including accommodation, catering, sports activities and various visits, do not hesitate to contact us.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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