Chez Gaëlle "Les Petites Fleurs"

2 Faubourg Louis Boulanger 70500 Corre
2 Faubourg Louis Boulanger 70500 Corre
The Bed and Breakfast "Chez Gaëlle" is located 13 km from the village of Jussey, 24 km from Bourbonne les Bains and 40 mns from the motorway or 100 km from Belfort (1h15mn). Gaëlle welcomes you in an old restored farm of the XVIIIth century, between the Coney and the Canal de l'Est, with a view on a 14 hectares property.
Sheep, cows, poultry, all in a "Korean" landscape.
Dit etablissement is Accueil Vélo en biedt specifieke diensten voor fietsers.

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